Designed for educational teams like yours

Here at EQuantum we provide you with the right tools and resources to ensure your learners have the best possible learning experience.


Great for individuals or small teaching teams just getting started.

  • Standard configuration
  • Basic features and updates
  • Team size: 1 to 20 members
  • Premium support: 24 months
  • Free updates: 24 months
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Ideal for growing education teams and organizations.

  • Individual configuration
  • Standard features
  • Team size: 20+ members
  • Premium support: 48 months
  • Free updates: 48 months
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For large education organizations with complex requirements.

  • Fully customizable configuration
  • Customizable features and updates
  • Team size: 50+ members
  • Premium support: 60 months
  • Free updates: 60 months
Get started